Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wow! Where Has The Month Gone?

Somehow, I'm stranded back in the beginning of this month.....not quite able to move forward. My holiday shopping is done but I'm still lacking the Christmas cheer.....I think I'm emotionally scarred from the shopping incident way back. However, rather than rehash old news, I thought I would fill you all in on the latest and greatest run-in I've had with people in public.

This morning, after digging out from yet another storm, I stopped at the local ghetto-gas station to get a cup of tea on my way to work. It's 8:30 and when I pull in to the gas station, I'm not late....not even close. Just as I step up to the counter to pay for my $1.85 cup of tea, a man cuts in front of me. Here's what he has in his hands:
  • A porno magazine
  • A 6-pack of Miller Light
Here's what he asks the cashier for:
  • A pack of Paul Mall cigarettes
  • (2) $1 scratch tickets
His total? $16.67
How he pays?
  • Several fistfuls of dimes and nickels
"You've got to be shitting me," I can hear you saying it. But, indeed, I kid you not. He literally pulled out all dimes and nickels to pay for his lovely morning party purchase.

Of course, I had only my debit card, so I wasn't able to just throw cash on the counter and leave. No, I had to wait for the cashier to painstakingly count out $16.67 in dimes and nickels. The man protested, claimed he had it all there....he wouldn't lie. But the cashier insisted that someone else had told her that, and he was $0.50 short goddammit!

After she gave him his 3 pennies and bid him farewell, she gave me my total of $1.85 and said, "What the hell is wrong with these goddamn perverts anyway? Dimes and know, he's lucky I took that. Most places wouldn't take that......"

I tuned her out, entered my PIN number and said, "Merry effing Christmas."

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