Monday, January 12, 2009

This Goes Out to All Those Hunting Widows......

Some of my friends are "hunting widows." And while their husbands are out hunting, they piss and moan about how they're home all by themselves.

WTF? Are you kidding me?

How long is hunting season? A month? Maybe 6 weeks?

Here's the deal. Embrace it. Sit your ass on the couch in your underwear and watch endless seasons of old 90's sitcoms like the original 90210 or TIVO soap operas and enjoy the drama. Give the kids a little Dramamine and pour yourself a glass of wine. For Christ's Sake, ENJOY IT!!

But please, stop bitching about it. And here's why.

Because I can't take it. See, I'm a "snow widow." My season lasts 6 months because I live in Maine. While your husband is out slaughtering food to throw on your table, mine is out plowing everyone else's driveway and hoping his clients will pay the invoices, while I snow blow ours. And let's not forget about the roof rake, shall we?

So please, please don't bitch about being a hunting widow. Of course, unless you're a vegetarian and having a dead animal hanging in your garage grosses you out. Then you're entitled.

1 comment:

rachellin said...

Ohhhh, this made me laugh so hard! Hilarious!!