Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Breakups and Blonde Moments

So, at 4:15 this morning, my alarm went off......and I dragged my lazy butt out of bed to take my friend, who shall remain nameless, to the airport.....she is on a breakup vacation.....you know, the one you have to take when you get dumped, just to get the hell out of dodge? Well, anyway, we get almost all the way to the airport - which isn't really that far away - and she realizes that she has forgotten her cell phone. So, we turn around, and drive back to get it.....but on the way we start talking about blonde moments......I gave her my best two:

1. In college I had one roommate that was blonde, who, upon being asked to call 911, replied "What's the number?"

2. My other college roommate, also blonde, was getting ready for a party. She suddenly called us in to the bathroom to tell us that we needed to return the t-shirt she was wearing because it was defective. We looked at it and told her that we didn't see anything wrong with it. Turning back to the mirror, she said "But look, all the writing is backwards."

Honestly, I am not kidding. I am happy to report that I did have a third roommate, one who is both very smart and successful......thank God.

So, back to our drive to the airport. When my friend tells me her best blonde moment it goes something like this: She needed AAA to help jump the car because the battery was dead - "I mean, really dead. Like, the remote key didn't work it was so dead." AAA gets there and she tells the guy that she'll have to climb thru the back because no other doors are unlocked. He apparently looked at her and said "Can't you just use the key?" Well DUH.

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