Sunday, January 28, 2007

So, I was supposed to be doing homework this weekend - which I failed to do. I knitted - a lot. I've noticed that I'm getting a lot better at being lazy, which is a nice change of pace for me, but a bit of a guilty pleasure.

Oh! Big news! We've gone under contract with a house....thank heavens! I was beginning to think that it would never happen. Now, not only will Dan have his "man room" I will have my own seperate office slash knitting room - one that does not involve my dining room table. I think I'm actually going to blow the dust off of my sewing machine and finally figure out how to use it too.....that's only taken me 4 years to decide to do.......

Well, now that it's 8:30, I should probably do the homework that's been piled on my "desk" all weekend......whoever says going back to school is a good idea is lying.

1 comment:

pixiegenne said...

congrats on the house! where is it?