Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Don't Drink & Diet

Here's a tip......don't decide that you're going to start paying attention to what you eat and then drink two glasses of wine before going out to dinner with your out-laws. Which is exactly what I did last nite......bad move.

Typically, I can have two glasses of wine and be just fine.....of course, that might also include a wedge of brie and some yummy bread which is probably why I can drink two glasses of wine and be just fine. Last nite however, I had the wine without the cheese and bread - save on those extra calories!! When we got ready to leave, I insisted on driving, like "yeah, I'm fine." and at the end of our street I actually had to exit the car and let Dan take the wheel. Explain that to the kid. "Why is mommy not driving?" "What is so funny mommy?" Good Lord. Then when we get to the restaurant, I find that the restrooms don't have 'women' and 'men' on the doors, they say 'buck' and 'doe' instead. Uh-huh. I walked in the 'buck' room.....and until last nite, I had managed to never witness a man's urinal.....can't they put stalls around those things or something? What if a little kid walked in there or, better yet, a drunk woman like me?

Needless to say, we managed to get through the rest of dinner with me doing only mildly annoying things like dropping my silverware and accidentally catapulting my straw out of my voda tonic into Dan's mom's salad......did I just say that? I actually went back for more???

I'm just going to go bury my head in sand now.

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