Anyway, the boy and I had a little date nite and laughed our asses off....not only is Dane Cook one of the funniest people around, he is also a marketing genius. He has literally used the internet to fuel a following that has become an epidemic. Not only is he everywhere, and selling himself like crazy, he has used viral marketing to his advantage in a way that few others have. It's absolutely amazing. Anyway, so with that, I'll close. I just had to say that he rocked the Garden last nite, plain and simple. Although, I'm pretty sure the 10:30 show got a little more play than those of us that hit up the 7:00 one.....which makes me a little sad because I can never get tired of seeing this adorable face. Oh, and here's a little clip from one of my favorite parts of the nite - although this was filmed elsewhere.
Oh, small disclaimer here :: his language is definitely not safe for work or kids, so keep that in mind. Find a dark closet or something and listen to this....you'll be laughing your ass off too......
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