Monday, August 06, 2007

Enjoy the Silence

Do you hear that? You don't? I do. It's complete and total silence, and it's playing at my house.....

That's right. Just two days ago, we dropped the kid off at Logan International Airport on a direct flight to ATL. Although the actual dropping off was excruciatingly early and I hadn't even had a cup of coffee before getting in to an argument with a Delta ticket lady, it went relatively easy. Yes, there were tears shed....I mean, this was a big step. Eight years old and on a great big plane with no one to control her except a flight attendant. Plus, I was a little concerned that, with her friendly disposition and all, she'd be led off in cuffs before the plane started to taxi.

After shuffling her on the plane, I was asked to hang out at the gate until the plane left. I'm sure they heard me threatening her great bodily injury for any unbecoming behavior. While I was waiting, I got to check out Larry King Live....and his interview with Dog the Bounty Hunter. Now, I don't like to be a hater on Dog, and we all know I love a good mullet, but COME ON!!!!! Are you serious?

Imagine my surprise when I looked at the television, bleary eyed and coffee stained at 5am on a Saturday morning and there sits Dog, in a leopard print silk shirt, unbuttoned to his navel, with his gold dog tags (ha ha!) and that mullet. Jesus, Mary and Joseph. It's like a train wreck! You don't want to be caught looking, yet you can't look away!

Then you've got his wife up there next to him in a hot pink pleather dress. She had no business wearing such a thing, for Christs' sake, she's not 21 and she's not a small girl. But, after all, isn't their whole life about making a big old statement?

Anyway, I get sidetracked. So, we've got peace and quiet for 3 whole weeks while the kid is in Atlanta, terrorizing her other biological parent and his much younger girlfriend. Bless them both because I don't think either of them have a clue what they're in for.

As for the rest of our weekend, I started drinking mimosas at about 11 Saturday morning and I think we rolled back to the hotel around midnight. Needless to say, it was fun and I found my future husband getting quite chummy with a bridal party and their inflatable penis....if he ever gives me back my camera, I'll post the pictures.

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