Sunday, August 19, 2007

We're Having a Midlife Crisis

Well, not us exactly. But, Leaf Blower is. Funny enough, just as I was talking about the "silent but crazy" neighbors that live across the street yesterday, Leaf Blower drives home in a Mustang convertible.....yep, the official seal of approval on any great midlife crisis is a flashy car, right? Since rolling up yesterday, he has driven it around the block 3 times and as soon as he's gotten back, he's washed it - every single time. He's been outside waxing and cleaning the tires with a toothbrush since 7:30 this morning, which makes it about 4 hours now.....he finally just moved from the passenger side to the drivers side......he's also managed to park their family mini-van in front of our house, which drives me absolutely batty because we all know how I feel about mini-vans.

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