Tuesday, May 20, 2008

One Hell of a Party

Just now, two and a half days later, I'm finally able to talk about the rest of the kids' 9th birthday party.

After the police incident, the girls were relatively well behaved. There was no jumping on beds, no screaming, and only slight bouts of screeching. There was lots of loud giggling though.

I did manage to make it through the rest of the nite without ordering a pitcher of anything from room service too.....there were moments when I almost picked up the phone, but I resisted the temptation for fear the girls would go home and tell their parents I spent the whole nite boozing. It would really tarnish the halo I've got going.

The rest of Saturday evening was filled with lots of swimming, gift opening, pizza, the Nancy Drew Movie, and endless hours of Truth-or-Dare and Bloody-Mary. I dozed off on the not-so-comfortable pull-out couch (without a pillow mind you) around 11:30 and at 1:30 I was woken by the giggling girls. Despite my best efforts, Mommy Dearest reared her ugly head.

They finally settled in and at least were quiet, but God only knows when they actually fell asleep. Let me not forget to mention that we had 8 people in a room that was supposed to sleep 6, so that might have had something to do with the giggles......and it's also why I got jipped out of a pillow.

Then, at 7:30 Sunday morning, the most horrifying and piercing noise came from the girls room; it was the smoke detector. My initial thought was that one of them was playing with fire and then I heard it: the fire alarms "Wwwaaaaaa, Wwwaaaaa" out in the hall.

Holy Shit. The hotel was on fire. Holy Shit. I've got to get 7 girls down to the street from the 6th floor without any of them dying from smoke inhalation.

Oh my God. The firemen that work on the weekend are young and cute and I'm wearing my really ugly pajamas.

Anyway, I did manage to get them all downstairs, and thankfully the fire was not major. Only a small one in the lobby bathroom - seems like someone was trying to smoke inside. Tsk, tsk. So as we stand there, with hair standing on end, the girls are yelling and waving to the firemen as they start pulling out of the driveway. I, of course, am horrified.

On the way back to the room, the girls talked about how this was the coolest birthday party ever and they couldn't wait to write about it in their journals at school on Monday. I was trying to remember if I'd packed clean underwear.

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