Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Skeeziness of Bob's

Several month's ago, the kid took apart her bed, hauled it all to the curb, and declared that she didn't want it anymore. In fact, what she wanted was to have her bed on the floor - it was "cozier."

Well, the novelty of that horse and pony show has worn off, and she now wants a new bed.

We tried to talk her into taking our bed, so we could move up a size. After all, what kid doesn't want a full size bed? Apparently, ours.

"A full size bed isn't as versatile."
"What?!" Me, mildly annoyed because I really want a queen size bed
"I don't have as many options with a full size bed." Eye rolling and exasperation included.
"Sydnie. What in God's name are you talking about?!?"
"Um, in case you hadn't noticed, I like to rearrange my room. And with a full size bed, I can only put it in two places and I don't want that."
"So, you want to keep making your friends sleep on the floor when they spend the night?"
"That's their problem, not mine."

As she stands, shrugging her shoulders, I am completely annoyed that she (a) is clearly so not budging on this bed thing, and (b) that she isn't considering her friends.

So, off to bed shop we go. Actually, it was Dan and her that went first, because he thought I might need some quiet time to get work done. But it wasn't an hour later that they called and had to come home to get me. And all together, we made a trip to Bob's Discount Furniture.

Say what you want about Bob's, but I'll tell you this, the pit has deals you can't beat. Especially when you're trying to shop for a twin size bed on the cheap.

The first thing I notice when I enter the store is the dead goldfish floating in their little pond at the entrance. Nice. Real nice.

Then we get the salesman. Short in stature, he is of Hispanic decent and has one of those thin mustaches. Not like Juan Valdez in the coffee commercials, but instead one of those very thin, almost penciled in mustaches that makes him look greasy. Wearing a cheap suit, he's got a gold Folex and too many man-rings.

"You folks just looking around?"
"Can I help you find anything?"
"Well, if you need anything, I'll be within eye sight."
"Yep, we know, thanks."

And off we went - Dan in one direction, the kid and I in the other. And guess who that greasy bastard followed all over the store?

Dan. Guess he doesn't know who holds the purse strings. Needless to say, we came home empty handed.

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