Friday, August 01, 2008

Holding A Grudge

I'm pretty good at holding a grudge.  In fact, in some cases, I have a chip on my shoulder the size of the polar ice cap.....and I'm not melting nearly as quick.

But, over time, I tend to let these things go.  Especially when I either haven't seen the person in a long time, or, I was not directly involved in a situation and I've just been carrying one of those "friend-grudges."  You know, the kind you hold on to when a friend has been wronged and you're just doing your duty by being pissy at the person that screwed them over?

Come to think of it, there are only two people that I'm seriously grudging against right now. One is my ex-husband.  I'd name him, but that might be too obvious, so I'll just link to his MySpace page, and a really funny interview where he proclaims what a wonderful volunteer he is and how he cares so much about the community.  If you want to hold a "friend-grudge" for me, that would be cool.  Oh, what are we grudging about? Um, let's start with the $10K + that he owes me for child support.  

The second person is Leaf Blower, who finds it perfectly acceptable to mow the neighbor lady's lawn at 7:30 on a Thursday morning when it's summer vacation.  WTF?  Especially when he sat home the rest of the day, hanging out with No Neck and Tranny Nanny.

But, I just digressed on one of those grudge rants, so let me get back to my original story. The other day, my brother and his wife ran in to an old classmate of mine that happens to be friendly with my high-school boyfriend, who clearly hates me, as referenced here.  When my brother began talking to her, she began making a clear reference to a move to NY that he made + the fact that I was generally a total asshole for screwing him over.  

Wow.  The funny thing is, that was five years ago.  And, while I can certainly understand him holding a grudge, I can't understand her doing it because A) I haven't spoken to her since high school, and B) she was never even involved in the situation, and therefore does not know the intimate details.  But, whatev.  I mean, is it okay to hold a "friend-grudge" for 5 years?  Is that strange to anyone else but me??

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