Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Yesterday was a difficult day......I received a scathing email from an ex-boyfriend, whom up until now, I had considered to still be a friend. Apparently, over the course of the almost two decades that we've known each other, I have wronged him so terribly, repeatedly, that he has this to say. "To say I'm going to forget all about you would be wrong, it would be a travesty for me to forget the lessons learned from the single greatest mistake I've ever made in my entire life."

Can you say "ouch?" And it is totally not his fault.......I was a jerk and a butt-face, among other unspeakable things that I can't repeat because there are small children that can read, standing over my shoulder. However, the email really only got better from there.

Then, I get a phone call from my mother, who feels it necessary to update me on "who's the baby's daddy?" I am not even remotely interested in such news, but, apparently, she finds it entertaining. Then, we go on to discuss my brother's wedding, in which I will be sporting a teal bridesmaid dress and attending a pig roast. Yum. With any luck, there will be a few televisions in the background playing WWF and NASCAR. My brother also happens to bowl on two leagues and he has chosen a different ex-boyfriend of mine, who bowls with him, how cute, to be my escort down the aisle. The same ex-boyfriend that my brother thought appropriate to have call me, from his cell phone, during their bowling league - you know, just to chat. Lack of common sense and good judgmet is one of my little brothers strong points. Have I mentioned that I question whether or not my brother and I are actually related? We couldn't be further apart in terms of our lives or what we enjoy......but alas, I guess that's what makes me love him.

So, to cheer myself up, I turned to Dane Cook, who although a fan of the F-bomb, I adore for several reasons. He's damn funny and he's a Boston boy.....and we all know how cute they are. One of my favorite YouTubes to watch is part of his Vicious Circle tour....this little diddy is called 'Brain Ninjas' it if you can stand is so true. Be forewarned, if you're at work, or there are small children around, you should either A)watch this later or B)turn down the volume and close the door.

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