Today was gawgeous! And of course, I'm feeling mildly flu-like symptoms coming on so I spent the majority of the day, in bed......doing one thing I love, love love! And that is reading. What made today particularly enjoyable was the fact that I was recently notified that little miss me has been *selected* to participate as a reader-juror for Elle Magazine for the next six months! What this means is: I get un-released books, delivered to my door by DHL to read and review..... who knows, maybe I'll have some majorly brilliant literary-ish thing to say and I'll get to see my review published! Wouldn't that be fun! Of course, I don't get paid for such fun, but, no matter, I get oodles of new books way before anyone else can buy them. I'm so excited!
This week brings the beginning of the knitting class that I will be teaching at the kid's school..... which should be interesting. Besides her, I don't know that I've ever taught a younglin' to knit. Lot's of patience.......I've been working on putting together their own little knitting books for each of them......again, very exciting for me. You know, directions to cast on, knit, some sample patterns for them. We've only got six weeks so we'll see how far we get.
As for my own knitting and crafty creations, I am going to start working on these bad boys as soon as I'm feeling better. The pattern for such gorgeous things can be found right here.

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