Sunday, April 08, 2007

I think she bought it

This past Christmas, I did the unthinkable and did not destroy the "Santa" wrapping paper. Silly me, I thought shoving it in the back of the closet would be good enough.....however, during the move, I inadvertently left it sitting out on the bedroom floor and was completely busted. So, Easter was the only chance I had to make the kid believe, that indeed, there are magical little creatures that come and leave treats behind for the well behaved during the holidays. Last nite I painstakingly wrote this note, with my left hand so as not to be detected. The kid is running around this morning, thrilled that she has the Easter Bunny's autograph. She's also commented a million times on how Mr. Bunny Man left her more mature stuff this year, you know, since she's older now.
In other news, a huge Congratulations to Meg and Jen who just found out that they are going to be part of the Renegade Craft Fair in NY.....yeah!! I am so incredibly happy for both of them, and so incredibly jealous too! They are both mega-crafty-mommas and I'm sure they will do great.

We are still recovering from the snow storm that blasted us on Thursday.....we only just got our power back yesterday. So, today we'll go to the outlaws for brunch and then tomorrow I'll have to do some grocery shopping to replace the food that we could not shove in coolers on the back deck. In the Spring, we'll most likely lose our birch tree....which is a bum deal because I really kind of liked it.


Angela said...

A few years ago I stupidly put a gift from "Santa" into the pile under the tree, several days before Christmas. My stepdaughter, who was 14 or 15 at the time (no kidding!) found it, and had a HUGE fit. There's something to be said for finding certain things out at an, um, appropriate age.

pixiegenne said...

thanks, lady!