Saturday, March 15, 2008

Clean Sweep

It is a snowy Saturday morning here on the East Coast. While the boy is out plowing, I'm trying to get my site ready to go live, and flipping through the channels - realizing quickly that there is absolutely nothing on Saturday mornings.

Anyway, I landed on TLC and started watching Clean Sweep - that show where they basically put you on national television and tell you that you're a filthy pig.

Typically, this show isn't so bad, but today they're clean sweeping a family in the MidWest. They're probably in Michigan. The reason I say that is because a) they live in a subdivision with no visible trees, b) the woman is a bleached blond and wearing too much foundation, c) she has made the unfortunate decision to get inked with the face of Hello Kitty, and d) she's named LaShondra VanderSomething.

Yes, you heard me, she has a Hello Kitty tattoo. What's better, she's wearing black stretch pants and a red, sequined Hello Kitty t-shirt.

On this show, they make you sell your stuff as part of the clean-out. As a participant, you get to compete to keep your favorite item that's in the trash pile. LaShondra VanderSomething's choice? A Hello Kitty Toaster.

There's something wrong with this picture.

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