Thursday, February 15, 2007

Snow Days

Yesterday my friends, was a snow day. I love, love, love snow days. Staying in your jammies until you actually get your lazy butt up and take a shower in the middle of the afternoon......or maybe that's just my incredibly lazy self.....not sure. Speaking of incredibly lazy, the kid wanted muffins for breakfast yesterday - chocolate chip to be precise, and I was out of chocolate chips. I probably could have walked less than a tenth of a mile to get to our friendly neighborhood Rite-Aid, or better yet, walked to the dog up the street to the Quality Shop to buy some......I decided instead that it would be much easier to hack up her V-day candy and throw them in the mix......did I also mention I was too lazy to make two batches so the result were these oversized blobs of chocolaty goodness? Just to reaffirm that I am indeed the most wonderful parent in the world, I calculated the nutritional info on one of these bad boys......341 calories and 20 grams of it sheer irony that such a piece of food is perched proudly on Barbie's slim and trim, blond haired and blue eyed figure? Indeed.

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