Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Ms. Britney Spears

OK, I typically stay away from the tabloid gossip when it comes to my blog because, frankly, my life is tabloid worthy all on its own - who nears someone famous to muddy the waters?? However, I read this story today, and I just have to ask the question, am I the only one whose noticed that her kid is not fully buckled into his car seat in this picture?

Now, I could be wrong - Lord knows I have been before. But doesn't the kid that is sitting right behind her appear to only be buckled over his left shoulder? Isn't that little piece of metal laying on his right leg the other buckle for his harness? It's been a while since I've used a car seat like that, but I'm pretty sure that he's only buckled on one side.

The only thing worse than this is the fact that a guy (I can't even call him a man) named "K-Fed" is going to have custody of these kids. Like, really, why bother? Just send them to a foster home now.....anythings got to be better than these two.

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