Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I Often Question Whether or Not I Should Take Myself Seriously

One of the things about my job is that I have to keep myself on a pretty tight schedule.  I mean, on my calendar, I have specific time slots alloted for specific clients.  

However, yesterday, I scored a majorly exciting gig; writing all of the catalog copy for Melie Bianco Bags for their new line.  So amazingly fab.  Can. Not. Even. Tell. You.

That said, the copy needed to be done almost as quickly as we signed the contract.  Which meant, my little schedule got thrown for a loop.

So it was just now that I sat down to do the work that I typically do at 5:30 in the morning.  One of the clients I write for on a daily basis has a lingerie blog.  Most of the time, I get to write about great new women's stuff, and when it's time to chat about men's skivvies, I spend a lot of time giggling......because I'm wildly immature.  But hey, if it pays the bills, what the hell, right?

So, because I have nothing more productive to say, and because I still have a lot of work to do yet tonite, I wanted to give you a few links that I found quite interesting this evening.

I love getting paid to read the UK papers....seriously, it's such fun.

Oh, and while you're busy clicking all these other links, head over to the baby clothes site - alarming write up about the chemicals used to grow conventional cotton.

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