Monday, June 23, 2008

I've Pissed Someone Off Again - Imagine That

This is shaping up to be a fine week already.  Not only did I have the issue with the non-English speaking call center reps, I've managed to completely infuriate someone from Sanford of all places.

I didn't know they even had Internet access.

Anyway, I jest, sort of.  But check out the lovely comment that was left for me.  I draw attention to it for several reasons.

1.  The person who left it has no problem defending Sanford and touting its praises, but they had to leave their comment "anonymously."  If you really feel that strongly about a subject, at least have the balls to put your name out there.

2.  The person who left it has no problem eluding to the fact that they hate my picture, yet they leave their comment "anonymously."  If you want to throw stones at me my friend, have the balls to show your face.

3.  The person who left it has no problem making me out to be ignorant and uneducated about Maine humor and the regions that compromise this state.  They must not have taken the time to read further into my blog and notice that I also spend significant time making fun of Athens, where my parents live, Portland, where I live, and myself, my friends, and my family.   

4.  And finally, the anonymous individual who left such a pleasant comment refers to my "shallow analysis" of a store name, and that I think that the "dumb people of Sanford aren't intelligent enough to know how to spell."  Yet, in the final sentence, they inform me that they won't comment on my picture because "your not worth the breath."  Thank you, dear anonymous, pissed off, Sanford resident for making my point for me; in case you hadn't noticed, YOU'RE missing both an apostrophe and the letter 'e.'

Overall, I think the comment is a keeper, don't you?


Anonymous said...

Dear Stacie,
If you must know my name is Angie McLeod. The reason I put anonymous on my comment is because I do not have a google or blog account and quite frankly don't want one. I would like to comment on your three lovely points.

1. Who I am is irrelevant. I am just some person who happened to stumble upon your blog by accident and wanted to comment. I mean that's why you wrote it right? Trust me I have enough balls, and I do use them when necessary. All I wanted to do was make a point.

2. About my comments on your picture.... I wanted you to know what it feels like when someone judges something based soley on appearance. Obviously, it struck a cord with you or you wouldn't have made such a big stink about it. I really have no strong feelings about the picture at all.

3. I am so sorry that I forgot my apostrophe and the letter 'e' in the last sentence of my blog. It was an oversight, but we all make mistakes??? right???

Before I end my little response I would just like to say... In my comment I did not "defend Sanford" and "tout its praises" as you suggest. I merely corrected your assumption about the name of a store. That's all. I mention nothing else of Sanford. Trust me Sanford has its problems, much like every town and city in this State. (Maybe a few more than most, but we are working on them!)

Please note: I am sure that there are grammatical and/or spelling errors in this blog. It is late 11:48 PM to be exact and quite frankly I'm not perfect!

Have a great night!
Angie "pissed off Sanford resident"

Anonymous said...

One more thing to draw attention to:

Angie said, "You know you can surely tell how ignorant someone is by their comments. I loved your take on Sanford, even though you spent no time here."

Stacie said, "I've never actually been to Sanford before yesterday."

So in fact, Stacie did spend some time there....AND in defense to Stacie (goodness I should just stay out of this, but dear long ago friend, Stacie--You crack me up!) Your comment, Angie McLeod, was downright rude and a personal attack.

Stacie's point was made in good humor with vague jabs at the local folks...much could be said about our own home town and it's residents, but I would not take offense to it.

Anonymous said...

I commend you for taking a stand for your friend Stacie, although I think your comments are a bit biased.
In my defense, my comments were no more rude than hers. I made no more of a personal attack against her than she did of every person who lives in Sanford, including myself.

As I explained in my comment, I really had no feelings towards Stacie's picture. I only made that comment to make her feel how I did when I read her blog about Sanford. I was angry and wondering "what the hell did I ever do to her?" Words can hurt, even if they are meant in good humor.

If Stacie wants to continue making comments about how others choose to live, or where they live then she has to expect backlash from it. What you and Stacie find humorous about others they may not. I'm glad that you would not take offense to Stacie's comments(I don't know why?? ummm.. maybe because she's your friend), but everyone that I've shown the blog to (Sanford and non-Sanford residents)did take offense. Stacie did not make vague jabs at local people, she mentioned very specific store names. Do you know how great it is for a business to google its name and see "Roger's Supa Dolla" and "Cesspool of our State" pop up in the same sentence?

Anyways, if you both are still mad about what I said about Stacie then I will apologize. I am sorry if I offended either of you.

Good Luck with the blogging.
Angie McLeod
PS. I am not a "Stacie hater"