Saturday, March 14, 2009

How Facebook Is Ruining My Life

It's pretty simple. It's a total time-suck.

I spend so much time on Facebook that I rarely get anything accomplished anymore.

And if I'm not at my computer on FB, I'm using it from my CrackBerry.

Combine that with my Twitter addiction and it's over. Someone call the doctor because I need to be committed. Seriously.

But it's ruining my life for other reasons as well. For example, I'm catching up with old classmates, which isn't a terrible thing at all. But I look at some of them - particularly those still living in the town that I'm from - who are driving mini-vans and coaching soccer and attending church every Sunday.....and I can't help but wonder, is that what would have become of me had I stayed?

Then of course, my imagination runs wild with all the, "what if's."

I start panicking about our upcoming reunion. I'm almost afraid to go lest I make a total ass out of myself with my potty mouth and liberal opinions about gay marriage and having babies out of wedlock.......

See, it's started again. Now I've just wasted another 30 minutes. Dammit Facebook!


flawed said...

Facebook? Facebook is the Sanford of the social networking sites.

Anonymous said...

Ehhh, don't worry...

Yes, I do drive a minivan (but it's a Honda, so at least that's a slight plus) because I have 4 kids and two BIG dogs. We don't all fit into anything else.

However, I for one am much more liberal minded than one might think. :) One of my gay bff's is my shopping buddy. He's quite amazing.

And at least I moved away to Chicago for 3 years before moving back to the Motherland. So, I haven't been stuck here all this time.

As for the reunion, it's going to be fine. ;)

Anonymous said...

I have no idea if what I just wrote made sense....Ambien is kickkkkk'n in. Bed time!

flawed said...

I have to retract my facebook comment. I've noticed a buzz of activity among some of my friends on there, so I went back to check it out.

A few things have changed and it is a bit more interesting and I have connected with friends that I have lost touch with over the past 24 years. It seems to be trying to consume my live and I am liking it.