Monday, March 23, 2009

This is Too Good Not to Share

I got a note from my daughter today - a note in which she was very displeased with me.

But first, a little background.

Waaaayyyy back in January, I pre-ordered the Twilight movie from Borders. While it shipped on Friday of last week, the FedEx website reports that it will not arrive on our doorstep until the 27th. Of course, the kid is freaking out over that.

In an effort to make it up to her, I offered to rent it from iTunes, thinking we could cozy up in bed and watch it together tonite on my newly repaired computer. This is where things got ugly.

I've never rented a movie from iTunes before, so I guess I was unprepared for the amount of time it can take to download it. We are currently at T-6 hours and counting. The kid is not very happy about it.

An argument ensued in which I became so frustrated that I did something I usually avoid at all costs. I called her a name, albeit a little bit indirectly. In fact, what I said was, "you are acting like such an ungreatful brat. All I did was try to do something nice for you, and you're acting like it's my fault that it takes some time to download it. Do you think I'm controlling iTunes Sydnie? Do you???"

It is a rarity that I ever say anything mean to the kid. In fact, for the most part, we have a pretty great relationship. And now I'm beating myself up for the possible emotional trauma I've caused her. Next thing you know, we'll be on Dr. Phil.

Anyway, she storms to her room and very quietly closes the door. The next thing I know, she comes back in our room with a smirk on her face and a note in her hand. This is what it says:

"I dis liked that you called me an ungreatful little brat I can see why you are upset with me but, like you say to me is there a better way you have said it? Please write back! - Ungrateful brat Sydnie!"

Sadly, all I could do was laugh at the note. And laugh I did - only because she sounds so much like me that it is absolutely frightening.

We've patched things up, but this note was too good not to share.

1 comment:

flawed said...

They can be so precious, can't they? especially when they toss your words back in your face.

There are times I miss those days.