Thursday, March 08, 2007


DAMN! It is cold!!! With all my meteorological training, I have determined that this is the coldest day we've had.....maybe not on the little temperature gauge thing, but when that wind blows, fo-git-about-it!!! And of course, in anticipation of our upcoming move to the new house, we elected to have only 100 gallons of oil delivered last week so we're using it vary sparingly. Which is basically a nice way of saying that if I don't move around packing boxes, I'm sitting, freezing my ass off. I think it might be Dan's secret way of motivating me to get all the packing done before the last for the dog, even she doesn't want to go outside today, which poses yet another dilemma for me because I'm worried that at any given second, her bladder might explode. If you know anyone who works outside and didn't call in sick today, do something extra special for them tonite.....maybe cook them a warm meal and give them a bottle of moonshine to warm their blood back up.

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