Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I'm just wondering

Why is it, that my dog only wants to stay outside when it is sub-freaking-zero? When it is so damn cold, that while dressed in long johns head to toe under jeans and sweater and fleece in addition to the traditional winter garb, the wind is still whipping through you and seemingly cracking your bones in half. WHY does my dog want to bounce around on ice-crusted snow like Tigger on crack? I just don't get it.....I suspect she revels in my misery and thinks it's great that I'm standing out there, swearing at her to "just go to the damn bathroom already" while my neighbors with the litter-trained pug sit in their cozy house laughing at me.....maybe that's why she's bouncing around....she's actually laughing at me......hhmmm......

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