Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It's been a b*tch of a week

and it's only Tuesday!!! Yesterday, when I walked up to get the kid from school it was sprinkling a bit....no biggie. I had the dog with me, and as a result, I also had a little bag of her business if you know what I mean. So, we get to the school and I'm busy yapping with another mom and the dog jerks toward another dog.....I go flying and the bag of poo slams against my leg and breaks open. Ugh. No joke. I had doggie defecation down my leg. To add insult to injury, the kid ended up going to Meg's to play with her daughter, so I walked all the way up there - and got doggie doo on me - for nothing.

Today is just an extension of yesterday. When we got up this morning, we discovered that we were out of oil, which meant no showers. With only two and a half days left, we're not ordering 100 gallons so we'll head over to the out-laws for showers tonite - and if we're lucky, they'll feed us too.

Hopefully, we'll get back on track tomorrow. The boxes are mounting and the days are running out.....I'm starting to panic that we're not going to be ready to go in time!!!!

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