Monday, March 19, 2007

*Gasp* It's a wedding!!

No silly, not mine. Did you forget we're not actually getting married? I have the shiny ring...... why bog ourselves down with paperwork? LOL......

The wedding is my little brothers.....and after changing the date about 50 times, they've settled on May 26......which is like, two months away. So what does that mean for me? It means that I ate 4 pints of Ben & Jerry's, pasta and potatoes, and drank 2 or so bottles of wine this weekend. And this morning, I bolted out of bed, blew the dust off of my South Beach book and then whipped up some scrambled eggs with green pepper, onion, garlic and feta. And, I'm pleased to say, it's quite damn tasty.

Several years ago I SB'd it - not so much because I had any weight to lose, but I wanted to test two things: my willpower and whether or not it really worked. I made it through the first two weeks without being a cranky-pants, and I must admit it worked really well. I actually did have more energy and was sleeping better through the night. 2 1/2 years later, I've put back on the 13 pounds I lost though - primarily because I can't say "NO" to my sweet teeth; no, not a typo, I really do have more than one!! So I'm starting over and this time, I will continue with the Self Challenge and I won't cheat in my third week by eating an entire loaf of white bread with fried brie......or go to dinner at Elizabeth's house.......

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