Saturday, June 23, 2007


Well, I've been absent this week; noticeably? Not sure about that. Life has been hectic and although my dear mate thinks 'freelancing' equates to 'doing nothing but sitting home and watching Oprah all day,' my past week has proved quite the opposite. The tricky part about freelancing, at least for me, is balancing all the different projects you have contracted out while deciding if you have enough time to take on 'just one more.' Bite off more than you can chew in the first few months and you're sunk. Anyway, as one of my favorite new friends recently said "I'd rather work 16 hours a day for me than 8 for someone else." Most of my last week has been spent working on his newspaper. So, that's that. Nothing else is really going on.....the kid is out of school and also not understanding what 'work from home' means as she is constantly looking for me to entertain her. What ever happened to curling up in a lawn chair with a good book for hours on end? I think there may be some summer camp in her future.

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