Saturday, June 23, 2007

Spreading the bloggy love

For a long time, I have loved to read this blog. I can relate to Melissa's feelings of living in Michigan and viewing it as a total shit hole. Let's face it, I hate it there too as noted here and here. And although I have never lived in Detroit, I did spend many a time there during my college years. My swaying feelings of sympathy and irritation at her constant complaints of their house NOT selling are directly related to when I write the check for my mortgage and when I see my property tax bill. Yes, we live in beautiful, coastal Maine. Yes, our schools are great. Yes, believe it or not my square footage is smaller than yours and my property taxes are probably 4 times what you're paying. I have Jehovah's Witnesses coming to my door with their cute, innocent little children, on a regular basis....sorry, I digress. Can you tell I wrote a big check recently? Anyway, I was more on the irritated side of the scale today until she directed me to this blog and I read this post. I heart Melissa.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I am happy to be the recipient of your bloggy love. Cheers!