Wednesday, June 06, 2007

This is what I'm dealing with here

Apparently, June 22nd marks National Bring Your Pet to Work Day.......I'm wondering if this qualifies me?? In all seriousness, truly, this is what every day brings for me. The cat perches herself right in the middle of my computer, as if she doesn't get enough attention. And try as I might to move her, she just repositions herself the minute I stop petting her. The dog, whom I didn't get a picture of, sits impatiently next to me, nudging me with her nose until I take one hand off the cat and give her some love too. If the cat repositions to my lap, the dog nudges the cat in the ass to push her off; it's like working alongside two small children. Having a pet in the workplace has statistically shown increased productivity in the little worker-bees; I however must disagree. If your animals are as needy as mine, you're not getting squat done.

As an aside, please, no comments about the insanely messy state of my desk. It needs to be cleaned - desperately. In fact, yesterday, I convinced myself that if I just took the whole day to rearrange it and sort thru files, I would be brilliantly inspired and creative again. In actuality, I was looking for a way to procrastinate on what really needed to be done - go figure. So I'm off, to do what needs to be done - wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

I don't like cats. When's the next post?

GB said...

That looks like my computer. Minus the cat on top. I only have a mouse. Ha ha. (Rolls eyes @ self)