Friday, June 01, 2007

Starbuck's Whore

It's true. I believe the first step in recovery is to admit that you actually have a problem. I'm guessing that shelling out $5.00 for a cup of coffee that I can probably make at home qualifies me. A new Starbuck's drive-thru opened not far from my house while I was gone on vacation, much to the dismay of my beloved mate. I allow myself a very small stipen each week for spending money, which I'm pretty sure is not going to cover 5 days a week of a $4.07 venti non-fat, no-whip cafe mocha. Maybe I should get a job at Starbucks.....I mean really, you probably get free coffee. So, not only would I be making money I would also be recovering $20.35 each week in spent funds; I'm not sure how that would play out in my 12-step Starbucks program though. It's amazing how women can justify anything, isn't it?


Unknown said...

I guess that just makes me a cheap whore, because I gave up on the $5 coffees a couple times a week and just bought the damn machine for home. Now I just buy the Starbucks beans and syrups and we have the exact same thing, but for about $4 less a glass. I guess that means I can have 5 of them a day?

GB said...

In a deeply philosophical state of mind, I have contemplated this blog post and come to the opinion that as you are paying Starbucks the money (rather than the other way around), it is Starbucks that is the whore, not you.
And at $5 a cup or thereabouts, it could be argued that Starbucks is not even a cheap whore.
Moral of the story?
You can feel great about the coffee purchases! ;)

Stacie said...

I do so enjoy the words of encouragement when it comes to my love of the latte. I think I may have to heed to advice of someone smarter than me and just buy "the damn machine" for my house, at least until I am making enough money as a writer to support my habit! In the meantime, if I cut back from 5 days a week to just 2 or 3, I can somehow keep a 'friendly' relationship with my neighborhood coffee whore, Starbucks......

Anonymous said...

Have a cup of tea and chill out.