Sunday, June 10, 2007

Busy, busy weekend

Agh! I'm so glad that the weekend is over. This was the weekend of the kid's sleepover at the hotel, which turned in to "just a sleepover with one friend on the condition that we have a big BBQ with all my friends in a few weeks that should include a slip-n-slide and lots of water balloons, please and thank you very much." So, I thought I was in the clear....silly me. After 8 hours of digging out flower beds and re-planting all kinds of shit in the yard - which was clearly neglected by the previous owners of this abode - I went to pick up the kid's one true BFF. Syd chose to see the latest Pirates of the Carribean, which wasn't that great, and her friend, bored to tears, fell asleep on my arm.....for the last two hours of the movie. Needless to say, driving a manual transmission home with a prickly arm at 11 o'clock at night, was challenging. Then it was fighting over the sleeping situation when we got home, until I lost my shit and went all 'mommy dearest' on both of them. This morning, it was a fight over where to go for breakfast. BFF wanted to go to the breakfast buffet at the Marriot.....what?!? And the kid chose a local greasy spoon, which we go to all the time. My budget was the tie-breaker and we headed for the greasy spoon. Then today was more yard work with a little bit of actual writing work thrown in, just for good measure. The series finale of The Sopranos will cap off the nite and then it's back to the regular grind tomorrow.

How was your weekend?


Anonymous said...

Having no kids simplifies stuff - I spent the whole weekend eating, sleeping and entertaining myself when and where I wanted. However, I will have no one to take care of me in my old age and will be crazy old guy in the park without any pants on.

Can't wait to hear about the BBQ.

Amoregirl said...

Steve and I have a lot to look forward to...LOL, No kids yet, but perhaps next year. I can only imagine how crazy I will be :)