Monday, May 28, 2007

In need of normal

Well, here I sit, still on vacation, but desperately trying to carve out a little quiet space for myself. The wedding is over, and yes, as luck would have it, my brother's best man had a mullet. A mullet! Not only that, he embraces his mullet. I snapped a few pics of it, but my camera just ran out of juice and now I have to charge the batteries if I can find my charger. For a week, the tv has been on constantly and my mother's husband has had a constant buzz. Cheap rum and Mountain Dew have been consumed by the gallon.....seriously. In fact, earlier tonite, he was watching an old war movie, and speaking "Chinese" to no one in particular. At least, he thought it was Chinese. Not sure what my mother has ever seen in him.......

Luckily, I escaped for two nights to my BFF's house, but that siesta was far too short. We drank lots of vodka, ate lots of brie and then stalked old classmates on MySpace. Her poor husband has had his fill of women considering we are the exact same person in two different bodies; add the kid to the mix, and he was way out of his league. It was a good time. The next stop is my other good friend and the big meet and greet with her new husband, the UPS man.....and we all know how I feel about the men of UPS! I've promised her that I will try to contain myself and behave.

On our regular home front, I think the mate is ready for us to be home. Although, I don't think he'll every actually admit that he missed the drama that the kid and I bring to the table on a daily basis, he's acting out by having parties and making unauthorized, expensive, purchases.... lol. Thankfully, we leave to go home very, very soon......before he bankrupts us and gets arrested. And here he thought it was me that would need bail money!

Well, that's all for now. I'll post again very soon. So much too tell, but so little privacy to tell the stories in. I miss you all!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cheap rum and Mountain Dew - mixed or separately? Either way, I want to party with that guy and throw down some Chinese with him. But only if he promises to turn down the TV.