Monday, May 07, 2007

Seven Random Things.

Today, Meg posted 7 random things about herself and invited others to join......typically, I don't do such things, not because I don't like to, but because I feel I have nothing unusually interesting going on in my life.....however, it is Monday morning, I've been up most of the night working on finals so I'm in a euphoric state that only the overly- caffeinated & sleep-deprived can achieve and I'm trying like hell to avoid the laundry list of stuff that HAS to get done today. What better way to convince my readers that, indeed, I'm just this side of the crazy line and share my love of all things bloggy, than to participate in a little game of bloggy tag? So, here goes:

*I cracked the same kids head open 3 times in 2 years; once with a rock, once with a boomerang and once with a door. That last one with the door was an accident.

*When I was 4, a bundle of shingles fell off of a roof and landed on my leg; when I walked in the house to tell my mother that my leg was broken, she didn't believe me. Maybe I should have defined the word "shock" for her first.

*My daughter gave herself a mullet, shaved her legs, and super glued her teeth together, all in the same week. Don't bother calling DHS, there has to be some sort of statute of limitations on that kind of stuff.

*I used to own a women's consignment shop on Munjoy Hill - that was my favorite job ever.

*I have never owned any one car for more than two years.....can we say commitment issues?

*I don't own an iPod yet.

*I still don't really know what I want to be when I grow up.

Enough about me, how about you?

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