Friday, May 04, 2007

One of my favorite days of the year!

Well my friends, today marks the beginning of the World Over Imports warehouse sale! Goodie, goodie, gumdrops! And just as soon as I drop the kid off at school, I'm going to get myself a cup of coffee and head over there. I'm specifically looking to purchase a papasan chair, which is completely old-school, but I had one in college and I loved to curl up in it and read a good book. I want one for our new bedroom so I can do just that......the disadvantage to having a partially dormered upstairs is not just that we have doorways large enough for only hobbits to walk through them, we also do not have room for a traditional desk set, I am going to tuck this in under our dormered window and hope that I can use it without a light to read by because the ceiling slants so drastically right there that I don't think a light and table will fit. I also need to stop slacking and get plans made for the kids birthday....she wants a sleepover party at a hotel with a pool. Where does she come up with this stuff???

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