Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Internet is a Funny Thing.....

No matter how hard you try to be anonymous, it never really seems to work out that way. For example, in an effort to gauge how many people are actually reading this monstrosity, I installed a little code to track my reader numbers a while back. I mean, if I'm the only person reading it, what's the point in writing it? To my surprise, I'm finding that many of you are just as appalled by my daily life as I am sometimes.

Then, this morning, while I was having coffee, I decided to spend some time figuring out how to use the other features that statcounter offers. Imagine my surprise when I found out that you can see the geographical locations of your readers and what you all are searching for.....turns out I have readers all over the place - and some are quite unexpected I might add.

So, to all of you that are out there lurking, "hello!!" and thanks for stopping by; enjoy your visit and come back often.

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