Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Just Breathe.......

It's hard to believe that it's been almost 10 days since I was last here.....and if you typically read for a bit of snarkiness, I would go ahead and click on thru to your next favorite blog now, because this is definitely one of those "Holy shit, I've been so busy and here's what's been going on and why I've been so absent" kind of posts. Someone once told me that the day you choose to work something other than a traditional 9-5 job, is the day you commit to being the busiest you've ever been; she couldn't have been more right. So, without further adieu.......

Friday :: Date Night! Saw the new Dane Cook Movie, which was super-duper funny and Dane was super-duper cute, as always!

Saturday :: Sociology and American History Classes, back-to-back, 8a-5p......2 hours at the grocery store and then, a great big fat par-tay at our house, hosted by my good friend Cathy, for her now 30 boyfriend. Because she is such a fantastic chef, she made yummy food and she did a great job with getting people over to our house. In fine fashion, I drank way too much wine and went to bed way too late.

Sunday :: 13 hour shift with the angst ridden teenage girls at the group home - with a hangover. Not good.

Monday :: 8 hour training on Therapeutic Crisis Intervention - with a "I haven't really slept in 3 days now" hangover - again, not so good.

Tuesday :: Similar to Monday, except after training, we had a swim team try out at 6. The good news is, we have a Polar Bear - the kid was a little worried because she didn't make it last year....she lacked maturity. Imagine that. Home at 9 and a quick dinner of Annie's and veggie nuggets - I'm such a great mom.

Today :: Find out I have a new niece!! Welcome Madison Nicole!! Drop off friends kid at school, drop own kid off at school, go to Deering to firm up date for Spaghetti Supper, stop in to Panera for a much needed latte, headed to a class on "Parents with Addictions" for my work with the foster care program, then off to Gov't class and then off to a meeting at SARSSM to talk about the 3rd Annual Online Auction, which I'm chairing again this year.

Tomorrow :: Drop friends kid off at school, drop own kid off at school, meet about a grant I'm writing for kid's school, Accounting class......possible stop at the fair, unless it's raining.

Friday :: Home, resume, resume, resume, and then, more work with the angst ridden teenagers.

Weekend :: Knitting with my other friend named Kathy (I hope!) and then to the 'rents to recover a bear named Fuzzy that a little girl in our home is missing very, very much.

I don't know if I'll be back before next week, so I'm apologize for the lack of posts, and also, the lack of anything really funny - although all my travels this week have given me much to write about, so next week should more than make up for it. Plus, I hope to have some pictures of that new little chublet my brother and his wife just maybe even some pictures of my super-cute (and happy!) nephew with his new little sister.


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