Saturday, September 15, 2007

A Rainy Saturday Morning

There are few reasons to haul yourself out of bed at 6:30 on a Saturday morning. However, after being poked by the kid numerous times, "Mumma? Mumma? MUMMA!" In that 'I'm trying to whisper but you're obviously ignoring me because I can see your eyelids twitching so now I'm whisper-yellling' volume that she has perfected, I got up and took her and the dog to the beach.

I'm glad I did. It was basically deserted because of the drizzle that was happening, so the dog didn't have many friends to play with, but the kid got to find lots of sea glass.

We've managed to horde quite a collection this summer, and I'm trying to find things to do with it - you know, crafty type stuff. I think maybe tonite I'll spend a little time Flickring to see if I can find any inspiration. Speaking of Flickr, this spring, after that terrible storm, I created an account, and have done very little with it. I think I need to get on that soon. I have lots more pictures from the summer, and our trip to the Museum of Science that I really want to get on there. And, since it's fall and time to craft again, it's time to get the work bench in order and put something in my Etsy shop as well.....

This afternoon we have an outdoor wedding to go to, which should be fun since it's supposed to pour all day, and then I need to get back here and start working on that term paper that is due on Monday. C'mon, say it with me're a procrastinator!!!

Well, I did get the research done.......

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